Extending Canada’s copyright term: the “consultation” and our submission
The Canadian government launched a consultation related to the upcoming extension of the copyright term in Canada (from life of...
The Canadian government launched a consultation related to the upcoming extension of the copyright term in Canada (from life of...
Wherein I dig into the grubby details of Creative Commons licence compatibility and remixing creative works. Hopefully you’ll come away feeling more confident about using and remixing works…. feeling like, you know, water off a duck’s back.
I am working towards a Creative Commons certificate, which means doing a lot of homework related to the Commons, open...
Wherein my adventures in assigning a Creative Commons licence to my Master’s thesis are captured for the benefit of others. You do not have to do the default!
We already exist in a sphere where fear of copyright infringement leads to inhibition of content creation—so-called “copyright chill”—and regulations like these, even though they only mandate laws for EU countries, will make this chill worse.
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