Half a billion users; 106 countries
Word got out this weekend that a Facebook data set consisting of personally-identifiable information for 533 million users (including about...
Word got out this weekend that a Facebook data set consisting of personally-identifiable information for 533 million users (including about...
The Canadian government launched a consultation related to the upcoming extension of the copyright term in Canada (from life of...
Wherein I dig into the grubby details of Creative Commons licence compatibility and remixing creative works. Hopefully you’ll come away feeling more confident about using and remixing works…. feeling like, you know, water off a duck’s back.
“At a time when all libraries struggle to demonstrate relevance and when public libraries have shown great leadership by transforming into innovative accessible hubs for all equity-seeking groups, you have let us down.”
Meghan Murphy will be appearing at the Toronto Public Library’s Palmerston branch on October 29, despite outcries from the local...
Part one of a two-part series about the Toronto Public Library’s decision to host Meghan Murphy in their space. This part links to some responses to the situation before presenting one of the reasons why I think Vickery Bowles has made a terrible mistake.
Wherein my adventures in assigning a Creative Commons licence to my Master’s thesis are captured for the benefit of others. You do not have to do the default!
I’ve turned a recent presentation at an AI Ethics conference into an article that suggests our current approach to privacy rights relies on a flawed, property-based model. From lessons learned while teaching privacy workshops to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals framework, this presentation covered a lot of ground.
Two Canadian privacy commissioners have found Facebook in violation of privacy laws. Facebook thinks this is fine.
Not only are Canadian political parties not subject to privacy laws, but they are also not immune to the appeal of cutting-edge digital tools for data-driven marketing and persuasion. It’s a bad mix.
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